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11.02 Завдання для 8 класу


Тема: Teenage Leisure

1. Look at the pictures. What are the teenagers doing? Which activities do you do?

2. You are going to read the text (ex 2 p119-120) about the way teenagers spend their free time in the UK. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-E) to each part (1-4). There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Перекладіть заголовки і підберіть їх до відповідних частин тексту 

A Eating out

B Two Common Leisure Activities in the UK

C Computer Games and Television

D Entertaining and Cinema E Doing Sport

How Do Teenagers in the UK Spend Their Free Time?

Teenagers in the UK enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities. A recent survey discovered that they spend about 45 % of their free time playing computer games and watching television, 24 % of their free time socializing, 22-23 % on sport and hobbies, and 10 % on other activities. Other popular leisure activities are listening to the radio, listening to pre-recorded music, reading, DIY*, chatting online, eating out and going to the cinema.

1. ________________________________________________

Playing computer games ranks the first place in the list of the favourite activities among the teenagers. The second most common leisure activity in the UK is watching television. The average viewing time is 25 hours per person per week. Many television programmes are about wildlife, animals, holidays, cooking and gardening. Teenagers watch TV before and after school.

2. _______________________________________________

Visiting or entertaining friends or relatives and going to the cinema are also very popular activities in Britain.

3. ______________________________________________

Teenagers go to McDonalds or King’s Burger at least once a week. Sometimes they have a pizza delivered to their houses or go to a restaurant with their family at the weekend.

4. ________________________________________________

Sports and physical recreation have always been popular. Local governments provide cheap sport and leisure facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, parks and golf courses. People go to watch other people play sports like football or take part in sports activities themselves.

3. Read the text of Ex. 2 on p. 120 again. Say what activities enjoy the greatest popularity in the UK.

4. Watch the video and say what activities enjoy the greatest popularity in the UK.





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28.11 Завдання для 5 класу.