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01.06 Завдання для 6-Г класу


Once upon a time there was a grasshopper, who played the violin. Like all grasshoppers, he loved the summer. He did not work at all but when the sun was hot, he played his violin and sang and danced all day. An ant lived near the grasshopper. She was very different from her neighbour. Did she like music and singing and dancing? No, she did not. The ant worked hard. She worked from morning until night. She picked up food and carried it to her house in the anthill. The grasshopper laughed at her. «You have been working hard for days and days. Why don’t you sing and dance like me?» he said. «The sun is hot. The sky is blue. Don’t work so hard». But the ant said, «After summer comes autumn, and after autumn comes winter. I must work. You must work». The grasshopper did not listen to the ant. He laughed and started to sing and play and dance again. The hot summer passed slowly and then it was autumn. The weather was colder but the grasshopper still played his violin and sang and danced. The winter arrived. The grasshopper stopped playing his violin. It began to snow. The grasshopper was cold and he was very hungry, too. Then he remembered the ant and all the food in the anthill. He walked through the snow. He arrived at the ant’s house and knocked on the door. «Please, please,» said the grasshopper, «can I come in? I am so cold and hungry. I have nothing to eat. » But the ant said, «I worked hard through the summer. You didn’t. You played your violin and sang and danced. You laughed at me in the summer. Well, now it is winter. Tell me, who is laughing now? » She closed her door and the grasshopper walked slowly away through the snow to look for a kinder friend.


Read and say if statements are true or false.- Прочитайте речення і визначте, чи вони правдиві (T) чи неправдиві (F) 

1. The grasshopper played the guitar.

2. The ant was fond of playing and dancing too.

3. The ant worked very hard.

4. The grasshopper was very lazy.

5. The grasshopper was very happy when winter had come.

6. The grasshopper laughed at ant in the summer.


Match the parts of the sentences.- Поєднайте частини речень

1. The grasshopper remember...

2. The hot summer passed...

3. The grasshopper stopped...

4. The weather was colder...

a. then autumn came.

b. playing his violin.

c. all the food in the anthill.

d. but the grasshopper still played his violin.


Find the equivalents:- Знайдіть в тексті відповідні речення

1. Мурашка працювала день та ніч.

2. Вона відрізнялася від свого сусіда.

3. Він постукав у двері.

4. Я багато працювала все літо.


Fill in the blanks- Заповніть пропуски в реченнях

1. When winter came, the grasshopper … playing the violin.

2. The grasshopper was very … and … .

3. She picked up … and carried it to her … .

4. He arrived at the … house and … on the door.


Find the synonyms- Знайдіть синоніми ( слова чи словосполучення з таким самим значенням)

1. To be fond of –

2. To work much –

3. I have to work –

4. He came to the ant’s house –


Answer the questions- Дайте відповіді на питання

1. Who worked hard?

2. Who was lazy?

3. Did the ant help the grasshopper in winter?

4. Who was right: the grasshopper or the ant? Why?


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28.11 Завдання для 5 класу.