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Завдання для 9 класу 13.01


Тема: Technology affects our life

1/ Read the definitions  and match them to the words from the Ex 5 p. 95/ Write the words in correct order.

( Прочитай визначення до слів вправи 5, запиши їх у правильному подядку)

Example:  1 to invent

                 2 ...

  1. to originate or create something new
  2. to modify something so as to serve a different function
  3. having to do with machinery, without electricity
  4. to drive or push by applying power
  5. a new process, machine, improvement, etc.,that did not exist previ­ously
  6. any means by which someone travels ; a means of transport
  7. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means
  8. to convert smth back; to produce or modify the sound
  9. | to take out a patent on smth
  10. special sound / vibrant sign
  11. a darkened boxlike device where images of objects are received through slots
  12. find, gain sight or knowledge of something previously unseen or unknown
  13. which one using electric or electronic means
  14. influence of light, natural or artificial
  15. a person who repairs machinery, motors, etc.
  16. a person who invents some new process, appliance, machines
  17. to move forward; to improve
  18. to have need of smth
  19. the influence of electricity

2/ Ex 6 p.96  ( відповіді тестово; 1- telephone...)

3/ Ex 9. p 96  -  прочитати, перекласти, вставити  слова ( письмово). На наступній он лайн зустрічі трохи попрацюємо з цим текстом, тому потрібно орієнтуватися у лексиці.


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20.02 Завдання для 3-Г класу